Part III: Setup Services
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 7:27 pm
If you have questions join our discord and ping @HumanResources
Part I: About Us
Part II: How To Apply To Fweddit
I. Alliance Auth
Part I: About Us
Part II: How To Apply To Fweddit
I. Alliance Auth
- Go to our Alliance Auth site and log in
- You should see your main Eve pilot's face along with the Free Range Chikuns logo. If you have not accepted the invite in game yet, do that now.
- Note: It takes about 2 hours for this page to update after joining Fweddit, please be patient but you can't continue until it has.
- If you have multiple characters in auth you may want to change your which character is your "main." Your main character determines what name you have in other services like Discord and Mumble
- Click on Services - This will be where most of the remaining setup starts.
- You should already be in our public discord from Part II[link here]
- Click on the Discord Activate button
- Authorize our Rooster bot to interact with Discord
- On our server you should see new channels and your name will change to your in game pilot's name. If it does not after a few mins click the refresh button.
- Discord is now setup!
- Return to services and click activate on the phpBB3 Forum
- Your will be shown your username and password keep this page open
- Go to our forums homepage and log in using the username and password from the previous step
- You should now be logged in and be able to see additional forums
- Optional: To change your password go back to services and click the yellow pencil
- Type your new password and click Set Password this will be your new forums password.
- Download mumble here and run the installer
- Return to services and click activate on mumble
- You will now be shown your username and password keep this page open
- Open mumble and click Add New... in the server browser
- Enter the information as it is shown, copy your username exactly from step 3.
Copy paste friendly:Spoiler: - Connect to the server, the first time you connect it will ask for a password, enter your password from step 3 (don't worry you don't have to remember it this is a one time thing)
- You are now conntected to our voice server!
- You will want to setup push-to-talk and a whisper key, see this gif guide for how to setup a whisper key.