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Part II: How To Apply To Fweddit

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 10:31 pm
by flying_kiwi_sertan
If you have questions join our discord and ping @HumanResources

Part I: About Us
Part III: Setup services

Before you apply
If you want to learn more about Fweddit & Free Range Chikuns look at our Part I: About Us post.

You will be a good applicant if:
  • You are actively involved in PvP, typically 15 kills over 3 months is good.
  • You have a character with at least 10m SP
  • You aren't a dick

  1. Go to our auth website and login your main through Eve's SSO and enter your email address.
  2. You should receive an email with an activation link shortly, check your spam/trash folder just in case.
  3. Go to Member Stats and click Add New Character
  4. Login with Eve again
  5. Click the green arrow next to the newly added token
  6. For each alt account that you have:
    1. Repeat steps 3-5
    2. Go to the dashboard and click "Add Character"
    3. Log in with Eve again (yes this is annoying and we are working to make it easier)
  7. Go to Applications and then Create Application
  8. Fill out the answers truthfully, more detailed applications have better odds of being accepted.

You're done! Within a few days we will review your application and let you know if you are a good fit. If you are accepted be sure to then do Part III: Setup services

Bok Bok