5/26 23:00 Horde Salt is Tasty - Orthrus'

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5/26 23:00 Horde Salt is Tasty - Orthrus'

Post by forrest_martinez » Mon May 27, 2019 1:20 am

Formed 5 Orthrus' and a ceptor tackle to roam around Geminate and feed off some Horde Salt.

Roamed around Geminate. Took a rout in throw EOA and checked AD-5 where we killed a Vexor in a site, and continued up through M-M and down into the O-V pocket. We found a VNI in the O-V pocket and blew it up, and then continued to try and check P-6 and the UG-U pockets and ended the roam by bumping an itteron mk V off a citadel and blowing it up.

I think we did a good job roaming as a group and being quick about things. We were able to avoid being reported for a good chunk of time as we roamed up through M-M and did a good job hunting within systems. We shotgunned most systems at a quick pace to hopefully delay being reported.

While Orthrus' are fun to fly and did well in this fleet, I think it lead to us being un-engageable. Nothing formed for us and we never got a fight, just ganks throughout the roam. I think choosing somehting like RR caracals or something might be better for getting a response fleet to come. No one really wants to fight Orthrus'.

I want to try and find more fights instead of only ganking. Ganking is important, we have to put those VNI's in their place, but having a good fight is always welcomed too.


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