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Chinese avengers morning cap drop

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 4:59 pm
by nivlac_hita
fleet and what did we form
-self rep rev reffing Astra in villasen
-originally formed bombers+tackle to just kill that (<5 of us)
- avengers (Chinese alliance) rev lights cyno drops blops (6?)
-try to start killing blops with what we have+bryg brings haw nag
-blops warp to station. Get bryg to fight on station
-blops drops apostle+like 3 dreads? via an arazu as soon as blops take damage
-we counter drop that with 7
-they counter us with 15 total
-we ded

Different scenarios
-they outnumbered us in the end (not initially). Would've died eventually. But could've gotten some more kills:

Option 1) bryg engaged on station bc vermin thought some blops started aggressing (they didn't until later). Should've Made everyone fight on astra. It's free dps!

Option 2) headshot self rep rev. We were playing with blops. Could've just gone for gold. But that rev had a cyno still running so would've still been outnumbered dread brawl

Option 3) focus all efforts onto getting a Marshall. Could've asked for webs and try to blap a Marshall. But they were over tanked. Couldn't even kill the cyno arazu

lessons learned
-Fc checklist works. Use the god damn checklist
-I forgot to list damage holes for nags. Fixing now
-we shot a 2nd rev asked why it wasn't dying. Then checked the first rev we killeds fit. It's fucking triple plated full tank. We're bringing ships scanners next time to find the weak ones
-cas tried to shoot a bunch of things once the rev didnt go down. Split target hard. See previous lesson learned for resolution
-we need some way to get cap support on grid. Neuts and webs would've been godly. I kept thinking about Loki's in the back of my head. But we didn't have a mino or a person to fly a mino there,.and the mino would've been weird with the archon we had. I don't know what to do yet. Maybe next time we just flesh out and bring a self rep apostle and more carriers for support?
-we brought archon links and neuts. It works. We need more of them

Re: Chinese avengers morning cap drop

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 5:23 pm
by casmeron_khurelem
IMO the formup was very solid for the tz on a weekday. Not ideal, but that's the nature of rageforms. Without 10 more people there was no way we were fielding a dreamteam fleetcomp with all the support shit, and if we had we would've welped it anyway, so I wouldn't read too much into the comp. (On a planned formup we can bring a minokawa and the right number of support carriers, but we didn't take 20 minutes to form and check our comp. I probably could've delayed another 2 minutes on undocking before their initial dread wave was out of siege, but I doubt we could've improved our comp more.)

Similarly, lack of support isn't an issue in dread vs. dread fights. Webs would've been good for the one-off attempt to shoot a marshal in case his angular velocity sucked. They wouldn't have gotten us a second dread kill. And on plated capbooster revs, neuts don't help too much either.

A neut/shieldboost rorq would have been a solid add-on to boost the nags; we should try and get a few more of those in hangars so we have them as an option in these fights. (We had armor boosts from my archon, but not shield boosts.) I doubt a lot of people own these; if there's one thing I'd push people to buy, it would be this. Don't get it if you're already 4boxing dreads or something though, it's fairly micro intensive.

Re: Chinese avengers morning cap drop

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 5:26 pm
by nivlac_hita
Nivs hw:

-battle apostle vs link archon would live much longer
-should we just go full self rep dreads? and also only self rep apostles
-what damage resist holes are in each dread? Done
- can we make like an average time to kill sheet? Is there some way to know when we should stop shooting a tanky target?
-better subcap support fleet