[05 - 25 20:00]Pew Pew Part 2 small frigs and destroyers

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[05 - 25 20:00]Pew Pew Part 2 small frigs and destroyers

Post by forrest_martinez » Sun May 26, 2019 1:59 am

Pinged for a fleet after I woke up today,

comp: 1x Hecate 1x kiki 1x succubus

What Happened: Roamed around black rise, there was activity in Eha so we took a rout through there and into nennamalia. We decided against a few fights since they seemed blobby or baity. We came across a caracl in a medium and tackled it, but a couple of stabbers and tackle came to crash the party. I called for us to run away and 2/3 of us got out. Looking back, I should have just took the fight. We flew around black rise some more and ended up welping to a larger fleet while trying to engage a kiki.

Went Well: I think we did a good job hunting as a group. We were moving pretty quickly and shotguned a few systems looking for plex runners.

Not So Well: I was too timid as an FC and should be more willing to take fights. While our numbers were small I think the fight with the caracal and stabbers would have been a lot more fun whether or not we won the fight.

Be more aggresive and take fights with more confidence.


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