5/19 EUTZ Roam pt 2: Fweddit tries kiting (again)

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5/19 EUTZ Roam pt 2: Fweddit tries kiting (again)

Post by nivlac_hita » Mon May 20, 2019 3:25 am

  • Comp
    Forrest, Bryg, Frequency, Sid, and I in...normally kiting things... but also whatever we found in our hangar
  • What did you do?
    Frequency says theres an interesting kinakka gate camp to break up. by kinakka. We try to do that ,but by the time we get there, they just finished fighting another group. We eat shit the first time.

    Then I said well lets go on a roam and do something else instead, so we burn over to okkamon for the best chinese content, find a punisher and cyclone at the sun. go for them, but let go on the cyclone on accident.

    We bounce around looking for cyclone , but wait more things come back to sun. A LOT MORE THINGS. Forrest dies. and we eat shit the 2nd time

    Okay no problem, we go to kedama and niswa looking for more things. oh look a cane landed on us. We start shooting it, and then its friends come. We eat shit the 3rd time

    Fuck it ,everyones dead, lets burn home. But wait, kinakka is on the martoh gate in a phobos tackling people. I get tackled, but use ec-300 to burn away, land on a citadel. BUT WEAPONS TIMER STILL GOING. frequency tries to save me, we both die
    Eat shit the 4th time

    Bryg then just says fuck it and brings a mega to whelp. eat shit 4th time?

    Now its just sid, freq, and I. we go to seyllin to pubbie club. Turns out its killer cockatoos! An old corp we used to work with in init days. kite them a little bit. they get mad...undock a thanny (so much for pubbie corp) then dock up and wont play anymore
  • Positives
    Well killer cockatoos are still as farmable as I remember them
  • Negatives
    Holy shit we kept getting out numbered
  • What to improve on
    We need more scram....so much more
  • Battlereport

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