2019-03-02 0330-0530 Roam to Intercept Spectre

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2019-03-02 0330-0530 Roam to Intercept Spectre

Post by kanpa_runeblade » Sun Mar 03, 2019 6:54 am

Formed up in Villasen under Insomniak 25
Stabbers / Bifrost / Intys / Scyths /1 ea Bait Tank Prophicy :)
What Happened
Got some intel that Spectre Fleet was forming and had a general idea that they were heading toward Nennamaila. Started heading that way when we ran into Exodus tackle in Villirier. We made it in one piece through the system but they followed us into Renarelle, we managed to kill or fend off all the tackle and kept burning toward nenn, exodus was persistant and followed. We ended up losing 1 ship to them when I was indecisive and tried to fleet warp and then canceled it and split a couple people off the main fleet. After that we kept burning toward nenn, scout confirmed that they were in agoze, so we burned to them and intercepted them in vey on the agoze gate. They had a group of about 18 and we had 12. We ended up losing 4 ships (80mil) and destroying half of there fleet (9 kills totaling 325mil). After the flight Thoradain Greelich the Spectre FC invited us to join them and we took him up on the offer and combined our fleet. We went to Tama and used the bait prophecy to lure out some Hull Pen and friends, getting some nice kills. In total between fweddit fleet and spectre flee lost about 7 ships(250mil) and killing 14 ships (700 mil)and also catching a drekavec (900 mil).
The Good
I believe we did a fairly decent job staying together when running from Exodus. Logi did well in the fight against Spectre fleet and the bait prophecy managed to get us a good fight against Hull Pen, snagging up a few pretty good kills.
The Bad
The decision to warp to a safe and then cancel cost us a logi and split the fleet.

How To Improve

Need to be more decisive when I comes to making decisions in real time. The ability to take in everything that's going on, not panic and make a good decision is definitely key to running great fleets, taking good fights, and coming out on top.


https://br.inyour.space/?s=2813&b=85035 ... t=qbrvvaae


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